Roger and I had a great walk yesterday with our walking group. We caught a tram to Rodersdorf in Switzerland. About 13 of us gathered on a gorgeous Spring day and immediately set off UPHILL!! The good news is that we both coped very well with the steady climb up! We walked 2 hours back to Fluh. We decided to have a coffee with some of the group that didn't want to rush away. I thought you'd enjoy these few photos that Jewell took along the way. It's easy to pick out Roger (being the only guy who is usually on the walks). Enjoy.
It looks so beautiful, what a lovely place to walk. Good for you and your husband - keep those muscles strong and healthy!
What a nice group to walk with too, I think I'd linger for that cup of coffee also!
Thanks for your input into my blog Pat. Love your comments.
We sure do go on beautiful walks (though sometimes we are talking so much we don't notice - so it's nice to have the photos!!).
We're an international bunch as well, which is great fun.
Are you game to tell me when your birthday is?????
Love Gaynor xx
It's a pleasure to comment on your posts - I really enjoy them. I know what you mean about talking so much - I'm afraid that would be me too, I would probably be gabbing so much I wouldn't realize how I got from point "A" to point "B"! That's what makes life sweet.
My birthday? It's July 15th - and its the much dreaded 60th too! I guess its better then the alternative of not having a birthday anymore ;)!
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