Twenty four English speaking friends gathered at Basel Badischer Bahnhof at 13.30 (under the big light in the main hall!!) to travel to Freiburg together to visit the Christmas Markets.
When Roger and I left Schopfheim it was snowing rather heavily and it all looked quite a picture. We just love the snow and can't get enough of it. But when we got into Basel it was more rain than snow and not nearly as pretty!
Roger showing off his jumper
Couldn't bear the cold any longer so found a lovely cafe to thaw out in! In the photo l-r Rani, Gaynor, Kevin, Dianne (visiting from Newcastle, NSW!) and my lovely Swiss friend Christine
Shame you can't turn on the sound to hear this guy. Roger took the photo, so then I made him give the guy some money!! Very cute.
We all had a great time, but it was bitterly cold and rained most of the time we were there unfortunately. But it was fun to go together as a group, though we couldn't stay together because of the weather. Will try somewhere new next year!
1 comment:
Thankyou Gaynor for your wonderful photos. I have bought a new memory card for my camera = Rome here I come on New Years eve!! I think I am about to enter my second child hood and I am determined to enjoy it more than my first. HIs goodness and mercy follows me all of my life - may it follow you as well.
Love from Ann
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