Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday 9 December

What a lovely day I've had today! I raced around like a mad thing this morning, icing cakes, doing dishes, cleaning bathroom, etc and then RACED to the train station to meet Jan who was coming for a visit. Jan is in Germany for 3 months and is a missionary in Madrid, Spain. We connected via a mutual friend. Well, the time past all too quickly and I didn't want her to leave so soon, so I invited her to stay for a yummy mug of my Cock-a-leekie soup, which was well received. What a precious lady Jan is and how blessed I am that you had time to spend a couple of hours with me.

Then Roger arrived home so it was chat, chat, chat to him before I had to leave 20 minutes later to catch the train to Riehen where I was catching up with another friend. I even managed to find my way there without her meeting me at the station, so I was pretty proud of myself. We had a lovely couple of hours together.

Now I am home alone. I should actually be in Basel attending Roger's Christmas Choir Concert "English Seminar Choir" but I went on Sunday and I really don't want a late night. Plus it's absolutely freezing outside and any time soon it is going to start to snow.

So, a quiet night for me tonight, but I would love to finish off the Christmas mail and then I can breath a sigh of relief (I shouldn't say that really - I love writing letters). Also I love keeping in touch with my beautiful friends in this way.

See, I'm trying to be good and keep you up to date with what I have been up to!

1 comment:

Glenda said...

What a gorgeous photo! So nice to read all your news Mum. No wonder we haven't been hearing from you! So pleased that you're having a wonderful time. Very relaxed week at school only a couple of classes a day. Love G