Monday, December 08, 2008

Our Busy Life!

Jocelyn reminded me on the phone on Saturday that it is a while since I have blogged so I thought I'd better get cracking and do something about that. I have so much to tell you, but little time to do it. Would love to post a photo of the 2 of us from last Monday's walk, but don't know where it has disappeared to!! When I work it out, I'll post it (that can be Roger's job!!).

So, we've been up to all sorts of things. I'm trying to get all our Christmas mail done and posted to various places in the globe this week. Roger has been a great help as well. So, that's taken up a bit of time.

We've had lots of dinner parties on and these are always loads of fun. In fact, we are both feeling a little weary tonight after a hectic week and then out late on Friday and Saturday nights. Roger had the first of his 2 Choir Concerts at 5pm today which went really well.

We had a lovely friend Dudley visit us from Adelaide, Australia for 24 hours last Thurs. week ago and we didn't stop talking. It was great. No photo though. Must get the camera out!

One of the 'downs' of winter is that most people hibernate. We haven't seen our neighbours properly for about 3 weeks now and I do miss our little chats, smiles, waves and Guten Tag's! It has been bitterly cold here and I'm not sure I'm fully prepared for the long, long winter.

Rog had a full medical check up on Thursday morning which went really well and he is so much happier (relieved) that all is well. He does go back on Tuesday to get the results of blood tests, so hopefully this will all be good news.

I had a trip to Solothurn, about 80 km's on the train from Basel going further into Switzerland on Tuesday. When I was on the train I was thinking to myself "Am I really on the train in Switzerland". Sometimes it still seems like a dream. But then I get off the train, walk to the Weibel's home and I know I am in Switzerland. My little Jakob is growing so quickly and I don't like the thought of not seeing him for at least a month for he might forget me or be shy. When I go to Solothurn I just take over - feed him, put him to sleep, even took him on a 2 hour walk in the freezing cold. He's 9 months old and oh so cute.

So this week we begin with our usual hike tomorrow morning. Tuesday Roger is busy all day and I will be catching up with a friend in the morning and also in the afternoon. Wednesday we are going with a group to the Freiburg Christmas Markets which should be loads of fun. I know this time to rug up well and truly as it is always freezing cold and we will be outside for several hours.

Thursday I hope to spend the day cooking various delicacies to give to friends for Christmas. Also, I have some orders for various cakes and biscuits, so that is good.

Oh, a lovely Aussie friend gave me some S.R. Flour today at the Concert. She had been into France and thought of me. Isn't that just delightful? People are always so very kind to me.

Okay, so that's enough, otherwise you will give us reading. Who knows when I will get a chance again, but you never know, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

Glenda said...

Lovely to hear all your news Mum, Chris and I were just talking on Saturday about how you hadn't blogged in ages! Just wanted to let you know too that Ben Mulherin died this afternoon. See the blog at if you would like to know more. So good to hear you're both well.
Love G